
Welcome back!  I have been making little updates to site with some regularity, but I have not been posting about them for some time.  That changes now.  I am currently in the midst of some larger-scale stuff.  When I am done, each entry will have price trending information in addition to the values, which should add a little more useful context to my record valuations.  Next, I am adding “last updated” dates to the bottom of each entry.  This is a work in progress, but I am done updating parts of the site.  The Rocket from the Crypt pages are fully updated.  The content of the Afghan Whigs pages has been fully updated.  Most of the rest of the pages have updates in progress.  Slowly but surely.  I have also been spending some time trying to get my label, Shattered World Music, off the ground.  It turns out this takes time and money.  Who woulda thought?

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