Moon Records/Moon Ska

Alright, folks.  This is a big one.  I have added full discographies for Moon Records/Moon Ska Records.  Really.  There are many, many pages of skatastic fun for you here.  There is an Album Index and a Single Index.  I am proud of this one – it took a great deal of work, and I could never have done it without the trail blazed by Jeremy Patton of Megalith Records.  So, here you go. Collect away.


Now we’re cookin’…just like that, Hepcat’s part of the discography site is now live!  That was much easier.  I need to do a few more like this…four albums, four singles, five comps.  Good stuff.  Enjoy.  The “diskagraphies” are underway…

The Slackers

Well, that took a while.  The Slackers pages are now live on the discog site.  I think I should have chosen some shorter discogs for my first couple of ska-related bands.  Instead, I went with Fishbone and the Slackers.  Time to do some shorter ones before I get into something like the Toasters, don’tcha think?


Fishbone is RED HOT…and is now on Pette Discographies.  I have completed albums, single, and compliation sections for them…and it took far longer than it should have.  I am happy to bring you a (mostly) complete Fishbone discography.

R.I.P. Rick Kulwicki

For those of you who have not yet heard, Rick Kulwicki, guitarist for the Fluid, passed away this week at age 49.  He will be missed.  I only got to meet him once, but he lived up to all of the wonderful things that his friends have been saying about him.

Overhaul Complete (Mostly)

Alright – here we go.  I am basically done with all of the site updates I wanted to perform.  Amongst our updates are fear, surprise, a ruthless efficiency…sorry…reflex…this is what is new:

– Every record on the site now has its own page.  You can still view the full pages of entries if you care to read them all as a story, but it will now be much easier to get to one specific entry.  All of my full discogs on here now have index pages, thereby enabling you to get to those individual entry pages with greater ease.  I am building index pages for all of the partial discogs on here as well, but that’s another big project that I will finish gradually (that would be the “mostly” done to which I alluded in the title above…).

– I added a full band list, which includes every band that has any kind of entry on this site.  The partial discography links are not live yet…again, I’m doing that gradually.  I did not want to hold up the rollout of the rest of the site for that.

– I have included a forum to help fuel your record collecting needs.  There is a link in the menu above, but it can be found here: Pette Discographies Forum.

– There have lots of little behind-the-scenes upgrades that should help me expand the site better in the future.  You don’t care about those details, but I promise, they took a long time.

I hope the new site is enjoyable.  Now, let’s get back to the new content, shall we?  Next up…Fishbone.

Lots of Updates Coming

I know it has been forever since the last update on here.  That will all change in the very near future.  I have been working on another large scale site design update for a while now.   Nothing is live yet, but I am almost done.  It will make the site much more user friendly.  I have been reluctant to make any big content changes until I finished the redesign.  Add in an international move, and 2010 was a slow website update year.  I have a lot coming over the first couple of months of 2011, though.  Stay tuned!

Unprecedented Sub Pop Auction

It is time.  I am going to refocus my collection slightly, and spend some time on getting some higher-end items from my want list.  To that end, I have decided to unload my complete Sub Pop Singles Club V1 set – all colors of all singles (except Love Buzz).  There are certainly some records in the set that I want to keep in my collection.   I have already replaced those items.  This is a unique opportunity for a lucky collector somewhere.   Tell your friends!

Big Sale

Well, I have decided to unload a bunch of Sub Pop test pressings.  I had been amassing them for a giant trade a while back, but the other party disappeared, and I have not heard from him in over a year.  I think it’s time.  I can’t keep that much cash tied up in records I don’t plan to have in my collection forever, so…there you go.  A big batch is up over at our favorite auction site, so take a look at my current listings should you have some interest.  It’s not all test pressings, either.  There are some nice rarities for sale as well.